As many of you know, the Council of Ontario Universities recently petitioned the Provincial government for “greater flexibility for capacity limits and physical distancing to help ensure a safe reopening for expanded in-person learning.” We are aware that many of you are concerned about this request and the uncertainty related to the
KUCFA supports UWOFA call to require all eligible students, faculty, staff, and librarians to be fully vaccinated to work and study on campus
July 20, 2021 KUCFA supports today’s statement from UWOFA which calls upon the Western university administration to require all eligible students, faculty, staff, librarians to be fully vaccinated in order to work and to study on campus, including at King’s University College. We do acknowledge that some may be exempt
KUCFA Stands in Solidarity with LUFA and Faculty, Staff, and Students at Laurentian University
May 14, 2021 The King’s University College Faculty Association (KUCFA) stands in solidarity with our colleagues from the Laurentian University Faculty Association / Association des professeures et professeurs de l’Université Laurentienne (LUFA/APPUL), who are facing existential threats to their working conditions, collegial governance, and collective bargaining. In a surprising move,