On September 3, KUCFA and King’s came to a tentative agreement. Highlights of the agreement, in relation to the KUCFA mandate and the King’s proposals, are:

Academic Excellence: We got strong improvements in this area

  • Salary: We asked for %-based increases to base and PTR plus one-:me bumps to base. Based on Member input, the one-:me bumps to base were scaled by rank because the salary gap between King’s and our comparators increases significantly by rank. Here’s what we got:
    • Year 1: 5% + one-time bumps to base (Assistant $1000, Associate $2000, Full$4000)
    • Year 2: 3.5%
    • Year 3: 3.5%
  • Benefits: Small increase to vision care; %-based increases on overloads, PDF, research & travel funds
  • Academic Librarians will be members of KUCFA
  • Improved potential for LTA positions to transition to tenure-track if/when a position is approved

Equitable Employment: We got most of what we asked for in this area

  • New short-term leaves: Domestic violence, compassionate, compassionate-care
  • More recognition of diverse forms of scholarship in promotion criteria
  • New Indigenous Scholar section (P&T)
  • SQCTs will no longer be required in the P&T process
  • New “equitable treatment” statement
  • Pension contributions will continue during pregnancy, parental, adoption leave (as with all other leaves) unless the Member opts out

Sustainable Employment: We did not succeed with our big asks in this area, but did get some help….

  • No required service in first year of a job (only department meetings)
  • Associate Directors compensation will go back to 1.5 equivalent
  • New recognition that time spent on teaching, research, and service may change over the career span
  • New reduced teaching option (all Members can apply to buy out a course)

Other Gains: We made gains in a number of other areas as well. For example:

  • Existing job protections are extended to situations of program re-organization
  • Discipline clause improved for clarity and fairness
  • Health and Safety language strengthened

Agreements to King’s proposals:

  • We agreed to include references to Academic Council in place of College Council
  • We accepted some minor concessions (e.g., sick leave is not cumulative and is not reimbursed)
  • Chairs and Directors to take 1.0 in course release and 0.5 in either course release or stipend
  • Sample operationalizations of teaching, research, and service were added
  • Option to distribute teaching into summer (Members must agree or request)

Important Note:

  • KUC proposals pertaining to changes to our pension, professional and ethical conduct, and major changes to sick leave were withdrawn.