Please see the below request from Dr. Sue Wurtele, President, OCUFA and add your name to prevent the use of the CCAA on publicly funded institutions!
Dear colleagues,
Your tireless advocacy around the Laurentian crisis has made the inappropriate, unfair, and harmful application of the Companies Creditors Agreement Act (CCAA) an issue that federal and provincial politicians cannot ignore.
The thousands of emails to MPPs and MPs, the countless townhalls, Senate motions, press conferences, phone zaps, online and in-person days of action, rallies, demonstrations, and calls for change forced federal political parties to promise that what happened at Laurentian would never happen again.
Now it is time for those promises to be put into action. The 2022 Federal Budget will be released on April 7. This is our chance to remind the Liberals and NDP of their election commitments to reform the CCAA and Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) so they can never be used to dismantle another publicly funded institution.
Last week, OCUFA sent letters to Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry François-Philippe Champagne and to Northern Ontario MPs urging them to introduce changes in the 2022 Federal Budget to protect Canada’s vital public institutions from the CCAA and BIA. I have attached my letter to Minister Champagne for your reference.
To make sure our members and supporters’ voices are heard on this issue, OCUFA has created an online action where anyone can send an email to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister Champagne urging them to take action on this important issue.
This is vital moment in which we can secure a significant change to protect our sector. I invite you to share this widely with your members and encourage them to send an email this week while there is still time.
It’s through our ongoing leadership and countless actions on this issue that we can realize the changes to the CCAA and BIA we have been tirelessly advocating for together.
Yours in strength and solidarity,
Dr. Sue Wurtele
Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations